Determination beats Prenatal-Gender-Determination


Determination beats Prenatal-Gender-Determination -fi

Equality shall prevail, always.

Vibrant Echoes is delighted to tell you that the online petition, initiated by Girls Count, to urge customers and the internet populace to raise their protest against the sale of certain products that encourage unfair and unnatural sex-determination, has met success, as online shopping giant Flipkart has agreed to a de-listing of these products. This comes as huge boost to the petition, after another site, Naaptol, de-listed the sale of the said product. Read : eStores selling Sex Selection Products

In a conversation with a representative from another site, when a Vibrant Echoes member (Samuel Wilson) enquired as to whether it is ethically right to promote/sell books or other products that help in selecting sex, the representative merely said that it was only what the consumers wanted.

Greetings from!

Reference number: 150321-067115

We certainly understand your concern.

Thank you for your suggestion.

We would like to inform you that we are aware of this and have escalated the same. We are in process to delist the product from our website.

Feedback and suggestions from customers are taken seriously and have been instrumental to our success and please be assured that we will certainly consider your suggestion and look into the feasibility of implementing the same.

Thank you for your kind cooperation in this regard.

We appreciate your presence with

It is the duty of a civilized society to oppose, dynamically, even the thought of choosing between the sexes. Nature has ordained that both the sexes proliferate at the same rate and there be no human intervention as regards choice in the matter, no matter for whatever reason. Even the law says nothing different, as no person can issue, publish, distribute, communicate any advertisement, in any form, including in the Internet, regarding facilities of sex selection.

The cover of the concerned book suggests that the subject matter deals with chromosomal determination. But that is no rocket science; children, as young as 14 in India, know that sex-determination in humans depends on the chromosomes of the father. What they do not seem to know is that they are violating the ethics of creation. Let us keep educating them.


Prannay Pathak

I write commentaries on society and mundane short stories. Pursuing a masters now. Capricious writer.