The Blast

Blurred bearings
Crude cries
Vague visions.
It was all red
His body, their bodies
Around their bodies
Lying, Dying
In the name of justice.

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On The Edge

I whimper as he walks towards me very slowly.”No! Please don’t do this again!” I say as the tears well up in my eyes. I know it is useless to protest because he..

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It was the day

It was the day
Her mother and father very nervous
Her brother, speculative
It was the day
His mother and father very pompous
His sister, opinionative

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Beyond the barriers and bondage: Beatific bonds

Beyond The Barrier The heart is sinking, The mind is thinking, the eyes are searching, But the lips are sealed. Was it me or was it my heart? Which answered my love and denied my doubts.

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Realm Of God

He belongs to no one religion, Yet He belongs to all. From the time immemorial, This has been His call. “Love and serve all humanity Regardless of caste, colour or creed”

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Together, Just to Gather

In one of the photographs my hand holds, A smile graces their faces. Fake or genuine they themselves know, Happy together- one of the rare cases.

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With the Stranger

8:45 pm. December 12, 2013. Too late and too freezing to wait for a bus in December. I cannot help but to chew on the last piece of the chewing gum I have. Cuddling, like I loved myself a bit too much..

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The World and Her dreams

A pretty long gown With a shiny bright crown. She walked with grace, That made everyone gaze. A clear blue sky, Tempted her to fly.

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Luminous honey under the Gorgeous sky

If I could; I would, Like to spend my nights Weaving fairy lights Into your veins So you could glow from within Like a luminous phytoplankton Every time

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